Fee Schedule

  • One-time registration fee: $100

  • Day School $52,150.00/year

  • Consultation: $200/hour

  • Educational therapy: $150.00/hour

  • Individual tutoring: $120.00/hour

  • Paired tutoring (if available): $75.00/hour

  • Small group: (if available): $60.00/hour

  • Deductible Expenses for Special Education Services (2024)

     ​New Horizon School provides special-education services and therefore, payments to New Horizon School may be considered deductible medical-care expenses under the Internal Revenue Code. The regulations under Section 213 of the Internal Revenue Code provide that:

     "While ordinary education is not medical care, the cost of medical care includes the cost of attending a special school for a handicapped individual, if his or her condition is such that the resources of the institution for alleviating such handicap are a principal reason for his or her presence there."

    Whether expenses of New Horizon will be deductible in a particular case, however, will depend upon the facts and circumstances of each individual student’s situation. There are also percentage limitations applicable to otherwise deductible medical expenses, depending on the parents’ income. Before taking a tax deduction for expenses relating to the special education of a student, parents should confer with their tax lawyer or accountant about the rulings and regulations under Section 213 of the Internal Revenue Code and other applicable laws.


For further information and application, please leave a voice mail message for Carolyn (707) 481-4697

or send us an email.